global accounting

英 [ˈɡləʊbl əˈkaʊntɪŋ] 美 [ˈɡloʊbl əˈkaʊntɪŋ]




  1. The idea is that a single set of global accounting rules would make life simpler for investors and companies alike.
  2. Proponents of a single, global accounting system say sufficient protections could assure that the body that crafts international rules, the IASB, is buffered from political interference.
  3. China continues to be the single biggest driver of global growth, accounting for27% of the growth this year.
  4. But by charging the Chinese affiliates of the leading global accounting firms, the SEC has begun a process that could hasten the wholesale delisting of Chinese companies from the US stock market.
  5. He concluded by calling for closer dialogue between global accounting standard-setters and prudential regulators dealing with these and other issues arising from the'unique systemic nature of banks '.
  6. This was designed to transform IFRS and US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles into a global accounting language.
  7. The global accounting powerhouse, Deloitte, is sitting between a bullet and a target in a global battle over the future of free enterprise.
  8. All debt and derivative claims are offset in global accounting consolidation, but capital is not.
  9. The long-held ambition of creating a single set of global accounting rules moved a step closer to reality yesterday with proposals designed to improve supervision of the board that sets international standards.
  10. They also indicated the importance of taking into full account the realities and opinions of different regions through the global convergence of accounting standards.
  11. THE Shanghai affiliate of Deloitte, one of the Big Four global accounting firms, used to be the auditor of Longtop, a Chinese financial-software company.
  12. Speaking to the RIA news agency, he added: This proposal is aimed at a practical realisation of the idea about a new global accounting unit or a new global currency.
  13. The pressure is increasing to harmonise global accounting standards.
  14. The proposals would widen a growing divide with rules for non-US banks, which are moving in the opposite direction, delivering a blow to efforts to create a single set of global accounting standards.
  15. The key global accounting standards bodies should work intensively toward the objective of creating a single high-quality global standard.
  16. These include: mitigating against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy; reviewing global accounting standards; strengthening derivatives markets; reviewing compensation practices in financial institutions; and reviewing the mandates, governance and resource requirements of international financial institutions.
  17. All debt and derivative claims offset in global accounting, leaving real physical and intellectual assets and their market value reflected as net worth.
  18. This paper analyzes the background, motivation, current situation of the trend of the global accounting principles, aiming to provide some reference for China's reform of accounting principles.
  19. IASB substitutes IASC to be the setter of international accounting standards in April, 2001, indicating the acceleration of international accounting harmonization in the world. The era of global accounting standards is coming.
  20. If the countries all over the world want to share the global accounting resources they have to involve in the activities of globalization of accounting.
  21. On the Question of Chinese Accounting Internationalization under the Global Accounting Convergent Background
  22. At present, the global accounting internationalization process has stepped into a convergent stage from the coordination stage gradually.
  23. With the rising of integration of global economy, accounting as the commercial language is confronted with the internationalization.
  24. The economic globalization promotes the global convergence of accounting standards.
  25. At the same time, accounting system, internal control norms and code of corporate governance and other system changes have become the focus of global accounting theorists, practitioners and regulators.
  26. At the beginning of this century, the International Accounting Standards Board set its aim and proposed a series of global accounting principles on improving the comparability of international financial information.
  27. With the appeared of much global accounting scandals in recent years, people drawing attention to the importance of enterprises internal control. What is important, the structure of internal governance perfect or not is significant impact on the establishment and implementation of enterprise internal control.
  28. At present, it is not only the global academic accounting research on key issue, but also has become an important problem that foreign investors focused on.
  29. At the same time, developing a set of normative accounting standards for the aim of coordinating global accounting practices has turned into the focus of attention in many countries.